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RECORDING: Lunar Phase Workshop

Here is a video where I go over the program or you can read on below.

click here to watch video

Would you like to predict your energy patterns?

Would you like to predict low energy days or low mood days?

Would you like to have insight on what days will be highly productive?


What is the Lunar Workshop?

  • 4 weeks of learning and support with me
  • You will learn about the moon phases and what they can mean for you.
  • You will learn how to simply track your energy from the day, your overall feeling about the day, and what phase the moon is in.
  • You can add in daily astrology if you like, although it is not necessary.
  • You will be provided printable PDF’s to track and record everything.
  • Join my private Facebook Group to receive further support.
  • I will be posting the moon phases for you daily so you don’t have to look anything up.

Why would you think about the Lunar Phase Workshop?

If you are someone who hears old “stories” on repeat in your head, this workshop is for you/

If you are an introvert who feels lonely and unheard, this workshop is for you.

If you lack tools in your mindfulness toolbox, this workshop is for you.

If you feel stuck, this workshop is for you.

If you feel low on energy or stuck, this workshop is for you.

If you are a highly sensitive person who feels misunderstood, this workshop is for you.

What can this workshop do for you?

The Lunar Phase Workshop can help you learn and predict your energy/mood patterns.  We all have them.  And they can change over time.  With an understanding of your patterns, you will have a weather map of sorts to gain insight on how your mood/energy will be over time.

With awareness of what moon phase makes you feel really tired, you will know not to overbook your day.

With awareness of what moon phase electrifies you into production mode, you will be able to plan what day to write that paper or sales page or clean those closets!

With awareness of what moon phase can make you feel down, you will understand why conversations seem really hard and personal for you on a specific day.

All of these benefits help you to release the story that you are telling yourself that particular day.

What are the typical stories I tell myself?

“No one likes me.”  I was scrolling social media and seeing things I missed out on.  Well, normally it doesn't bother me.  But, on a new moon day, it can break my heart.  With this awareness, I can release the hold the “no one likes me” has on me.

“I am not a good mom.”  Overwhelmed with work and all the things to do at home I can feel so stressed and start thinking I am not doing enough for my kids.  Knowing the moon phase that I feel low can help me understand my thinking and challenge it.

“I want to re-do my entire website!”  I usually get these stories on days where I feel energized by the astrology and moon phase.  I can stay up until 2am just typing away.

Why learn from me?

I have been coaching for 5 years.  My super power is holding space for people.  I listen with an open non-judgemental heart.

When I learn something that helps me, you can guarantee that I will be teaching it to you.  I am an introvert and highly sensitive person.  

I understand the stories you may be telling yourself.  Believe me!  I used to repeat the same stories from high school in my head every day until I was 41 years old.  Forty one years of reliving the trauma of lots of things daily.  

I learned the mindful tools I needed and could not believe I didn’t learn them sooner.  

Now my goal is to share it with you.   

I am a busy mom and work full time.  I understand how hard it is to set 10 minutes aside for yourself let alone an hour.  

My purpose for the Lunar Phase Workshop is to keep it simple and give you the addons you need that work for you.

What do people who work with me say?

Lori's Write and Release course was life changing for me. I have been "working on myself" for many years (decades shhhhh) and reached a point where I was feeling stuck. The Write and Release Course gave me the tools I needed to peel back layers that I did not even know were there. Lori's guidance through the process gave me a safe place where I felt supported. She is authentic. She pours her heart and soul into all her offerings. Lori is a beautiful soul and I am honored to know her and learn from her.  Jo Ann

Lori is one of the most honest people I have ever "met." She is sincere in every aspect she shares/teaches. Her heart is in every word she speaks. Truly, a wonderful person.  Ellen

Having you in my life has truly helped my focus each day.  I thank you for all you bring to my life.

Her journal is a place to hold space, and learn to take care of yourself. Her journal gives you permission to love, nurture and accept yourself.  Julie

Highly relatable. Encouraging. Comfortable.

Wow, wow, wow! Lori, you are amazing. Your ability to connect with others is inspiring. Your intuitive healing and guidance is what I needed. Not only did Lori help me with a spiritual/intuitive issue, but she gave me great tips to "unstick" what has been stuck so I can move forward with ease in my meditation practice. Also, Lori has the best laugh and always makes me feel at ease sharing. Brandi W.


I want you to feel empowered by the content.  If you do not, email me for a refund. No questions asked.

I hope to see you inside!


5 Modules

Week 1

Reminder there is no live component with this course.  If you would like to join my Facebook Group.  In that group, I post lunar updates and hold LIVES where I draw cards and provide guidance.

Modules for this product 5
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